The Ciencia Community

There exists a fabulous community of bilingual and Spanish-speaking science communicators around the United States, and any effort at curating resources on the topic must acknowledge these trailblazing professionals and tireless advocates.

Below is a select list of practitioners and resources on the landscape. If you have a name or link to suggest, please submit them using the comment tool.


AAAS Spanish Language Mass Media Fellows Program and Alumni


#CómoSciWri | #SciWri16 |  #SciWri18

3 comentarios en “The Ciencia Community

  1. Ben Young Landis dijo:

    Note that while much of this content’s focus has been on Spanish-speaking bicultural/bilingual contexts and resources, we are reminded that Brazilians are a vibrant part of the U.S. Latinx community as well. Please help us curate relevant U.S.-Brazilian guides and resources, and we will add them to this list!

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